Stop sending boring emails!
My work email always seems to fill up with boring emails subject lines. Words like review, update, and status litter my page. Rarely do I feel compelled to click my work emails open. Usually, I get more excited reading the name of the person sending the message rather than their email subject line.
Unfortunately, after a while, I turn into the boring email sender. Even though I KNOW better!
This year, to stop my lazy email sending ways, I’ve added a few new websites to my bookmarks. These share how to write click baity subject lines. It feels almost slimy to do, but then I see the results - people engage with my emails, and I don’t have to send follow up messages!
Here are some of the email subject inspiration sites inspiring me:
By the way, if the ideas in the above links don’t inspire you right away, just go back to your boring ways….seems straightforward email subjects have a pretty high open rate ;) Fun email subject lines just more fun to add color to your day.